National Webinar: Building Physical Literacy of the Indonesia (Nation)


The Indonesian Physical Literacy Study Center (IPLSC), which was developed under the PETE for Elementary School Study Program of Bumi SIliwangi (FPOK UPI), will hold a National Webinar with the theme “Building Physical Literacy (Nation) of Indonesia.” The webinar will be held on September 30, 2021, featuring three speakers: Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D., Caly Setiawan, MS., Ph.D., and Dr. Agus Mahendra, MA.

The webinar with the theme of Physical Literacy is an urgent need, considering this relatively new concept, which has not yet received serious attention from academics and the government. Physical Literacy is a condition that is expected to be owned by everyone so that it becomes a supporter for achieving a good level of fitness and health for the people of Indonesia.

In addition to presenting a plenary session, in which all keynote speakers presented their views, this webinar also invited researchers and practitioners of physical literacy development to share information and experiences of conducting research and the results in the form of parallel sessions, which were organized after the plenary session was over. Researchers can use this webinar as a place for scientific academic interaction in the fields of physical literacy, physical education, and sports.

The following is technical information related to participation in the webinar, as follows:

Keynote Speakers :
Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D
πŸ“ŒGuru Besar Universitas Negeri Surabaya
πŸ“ŒKreator Sport Development Index (SDI) Indonesia

Caly Setiawan, MS., Ph.D
πŸ“ŒAssociate Professor Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
πŸ“ŒKabid Coach Development PP FPTI

Dr. Agus Mahendra, M.A.
πŸ“ŒKaprodi PGSD Penjas UPI
πŸ“ŒCountry Leader of AHKI
πŸ“ŒDirector of IPLSC

Save the date!
πŸ—“οΈΒ Thursday, 30th September 2021
⏰09.00 AM – 05.30 PM

πŸ“Live on Youtube & Zoom

Free Registration & e-Certificate for Participants
Registration link :Β

Call for Paper :
οƒ˜ Physical Literacy
οƒ˜ PE and Teaching Process
οƒ˜ Sport & PE for Physical Literation

Late submission: 28 September 2021

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+62 857 2626 6204
+62 877 8293 1755

Organized by: Prodi PGSD Penjas FPOK UPI

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