Webinar Series: Dialog on Dynamic Physical Education in Elementary Schools


THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (PETE-ES) Study Program has became the first organizer of the “Webinar Series on Sport and Physical Education” agenda organized by the Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FSHE/FPOK) – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) for the year 2021.


This first webinar series was organized on July 15, 2021, by forming it as a form of dialogue entitled: “Dialog on Dynamic Physical Education in Elementary School, Formulating the New Curriculum for Physical Education Teacher Education for Elementary School.” The dialogue which was officially opened by the Dean of FPOK UPI, Dr. Rd. Boyke Mulyana, M.Pd., invited and featured the most prominent Physical Education experts, Prof. Emeritus Robert P. Pangrazi, Ph.D., from Arizona State University, Arizona, USA. Arizona is one of the states widely known by the world as the state that has the most famous sites in the United States, namely the Grand Canyon.


As widely very well known, Prof. Pangrazi is an American Physical Education expert who is very famous in the world for he is the author of a tumultuous Physical Education book that has become the main reference for physical education practitioners in Elementary Schools, entitled “Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary Schools”. Pangrazi’s expertise is definitely incomparable, because he is a leading figure in the development of American Physical Education, whose scientific works, both books and articles including the keynote papers) have made him received many awards in America, from various professional associations such as AAHPERD, NAPEHE, NASHPERD, SHAPE America, etc. He has produced more than 60 books and more than 100 articles. In addition, he has been invited as Keynote speaker to over 45 states and districts conventions and invited speaker at more than 500 conferences.


This webinar dialogue was led directly by the Head of the PETE-ES Study Program of FSHE (FPOK UPI), Dr. Agus Mahendra, MA., who meticulously posed questions related to Physical Education in Elementary School and how the Elementary School Physical Education curriculum should be distinguished from that in Junior High School and Senior High School. In brief, the dialog content was all directed to formulate the PETE for ES Study Program curriculum at FPOK UPI and in Indonesia. The dialogue was also enlivened by questions from participants representing several lecturers from sport sciences faculty in Indonesia, as well as active participants from the Philippines.


The dialogue, which was fully conveyed in English, was attended by more than 500 people in the Zoom Meeting platform, and hundreds of participants who followed through the You-Tube channel. Of these participants, more than 150 people were participants from neighboring countries, namely mainly from the Philippines and Malaysia.


To enjoy the dialogue program, visitors can visit the You-Tube channel at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hcm7TGmE9Y  Enjoy.

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